In Trend: Bracelets For Men

A number of our clients (both male and female) still hold the conception that bracelets are like trinkets reserve only for the fairer sex. But they are, thankfully, a dying breed.
Whether you are a style aficionado or just an average joe, bracelets are fast gaining our acceptance and becoming a part of our wardrobe essentials. Men’s bracelets come in an array of style. From the leather wrap around to macrame strings and stringed beads, the options excites some but baffles others.
For those that are not yet well versed in the art of wrist adornment, the difficult question is of course how to pick a bracelet that matches your outfits and more importantly, your personality. For starts, are you someone who loves keeping things classic (by that we mean your wardrobe rarely deviates from black, white navy and gray) or are you someone who appreciates the use of colors to inject a playful element into your sartorial choices?
With that in mind, pick a color that either complements your monochrome ensemble or one that outrageously contrasts it – like these scoubidou leather bracelets from Azthom. They come in a host of colors, and the patina finish makes it easy to instantly fall in love with this collection.
For the more adventurous readers, there are really no rules to wearing bracelets. For some, a single centre piece would suffice, for others, the more the merrier. “Stacking” of bracelets against a watch is now pervasive trend. Beaded bracelets such as those from Tateossian, are perfect as ‘spacers’ between the chunkier leather wraps. Thompson also offers a good variety of stingray cuffs and their lavish use of colors fascinates us. There are really no rules to a trend that already broke the “traditional” view in men’s wear. Now let those creative juices flow!